About Us (English)
Daniel traveled to Costa Rica for the first time in 2015 and met Rubier and Tortuguero. A
very close German-Costa-Rican friendship has developed between Rubier and Daniel to this
day. From the very first moment, Daniel’s heartbeat for Tortuguero and its unique flora and
fauna. Through my friend Rubier and his experience, I was able to learn a lot about the flora
and fauna in Tortuguero and Costa Rica, and am gaining more experience with every tour.
The experience and enthusiasm of Tortuguero, and its unique flora and fauna, Rubier and
Daniel would like to share and bring closer to the tourists.
Acerca de nosotros (Spanish)
Daniel viajó a Costa Rica por primera vez en 2015 y conoció a Rubier y Tortuguero. Una
amistad germano-costarricense muy estrecha se ha desarrollado entre Rubier y Daniel hasta
el día de hoy. Desde el primer momento, el corazón de Daniel latió por Tortuguero y su flora
y fauna únicas. A través de mi amigo Rubier y su experiencia, pude aprender mucho sobre
la flora y la fauna en Tortuguero y Costa Rica y estoy adquiriendo más experiencia con cada
recorrido. La experiencia y entusiasmo de Tortuguero, y su flora y fauna únicas, Rubier y
Daniel quisieran compartir y acercar a los turistas.

Rubier is STC Certified
As a resident of Tortuguero Rubier grew up in this beatiful wetlands. He loves to share his passion about flora and fauna (specially turtles) with tourists who visit Tortuguero. Rubier believes Environmental education is number one key for a better world and future.
He has passion for nature and loves what he does. Rubier is well known for being a very experimented and certified turtle tour guide with more than 5 years of experience in the field. His goal is to guarantee 100% satisfaction in every tour he gives.
After receiving certification through an STC training program, villagers are issued government permits authorizing them to guide tourists on nightly turtle-watching excursions. Villagers take great pride in receiving a guide permit, and those that do are staunch defenders of Tortuguero’s turtles.